Kim Surratt

Kim Surratt began her legal career in 2002 and opened her firm in 2007 with both a Nevada and a California license to practice law.  She continues her role as principal of Surratt Law Practice, a full-service reproductive, family and estate law firm.  Kim began her ART law career in 2004 with her first surrogacy case.  She is a Fellow with the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproductive Technology Attorneys (AAAA), sits on the Board of Trustees for AAAA, is a past president of the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Nevada, is a member of the National Family Law Advisory Council for the National Center of Lesbian Rights, and a past President of the Nevada Justice Association.  Kim drafted and lobbied the passage of all the current reproductive family law statutes in Nevada.  She has spoken in various countries in several media around the world on reproductive law.  Her surrogacy case load over the years has netted thousands of babies and continues strong today!