M and J’s Surrogacy Story

Surprise times Two!!

After so many years of infertility treatments, “M” & “J” were sure that surrogacy would be the solution for them. They found me on the Internet and traveled afar to meet with Dr. Garzo and me. I met with them after their meeting with Dr. Garzo and they were nervous. They said he had told them what many physicians had already said many times before, “I can help you. Let me try.” Somehow, they managed to calm their fears and let him try. Since they were here from another country, they relied upon the program for support. So, “M” became an Honorary Surrogate Mom in our program. We took care of her before and after her embryo transfer as we do all of our Surrogate Moms. Then the time came for them to go home and await the results.

This was a familiar experience and they were afraid that the results would be the same as they had been so many times before. Two weeks later I received a fax with her pregnancy test results with a note attached asking “What does this mean??!!” Dr. Garzo and I couldn’t wait to call them and share the wonderful news, which took them by complete surprise. They were sure the results were negative because this was what they were used to hearing time and time again.

A few weeks later, we were the ones who were surprised when they called to say they were having twins! I thought this would be the last I would hear from them as they were on their way to having the children they had been dreaming of. But, to my wonderful surprise, they kept in contact throughout the entire pregnancy with pictures and faxed notes. Then on July 7, 1999 their prayers were answered. “M” delivered two healthy baby boys; Roger who weighed 5lb 3oz and his brother Arnau who was slightly bigger at 5lb 8oz. Fortunately for me, they continue to send me updates and pictures of their gorgeous boys.

