Elite Club
We have a club that most Surrogate Moms and their Couples don’t want to join. The members can tell you that to enter this club; you must narrowly make the birth of your children. In some instances, the new parents only make the delivery by minutes as we madly rush them to the hospital from the airport. Well, Adriana & Eduardo’s parents are the newest members of this club. After arriving to San Diego Airport, my husband & I shuttled them to the hospital so they could share in the birth of their children. And we made it just in time! Leticia patiently awaited their arrival and moments later gave birth to Adriana who weighed 6lb 5oz and Eduardo who weighed in at 5lb 8oz. Leticia has blessed two special international Couples by helping them have their family. Her first delivery on March 4, 2003 added to a beautiful family when Baby Emilio was born. Way to go, Leticia!!