Cord Blood Update – Groundbreaking Autism Trial

Every year in America, 1 in 88 children are diagnosed with some type of autism disorder. 75-80% of these children have no known factors or causes, yet the number of cases continue to rise effortlessly. Autism usually develops within a baby’s first three years, significantly altering development in language, behavior, and social skills. Until now, there has been no cure for this chronic disorder.

Cord blood stem cells offer these children hope. Researchers have recently connected some cases of autism with dysfunctional immune systems, and therefore believe that repairing the immune system will improve language and behavior in those children. Cord Blood Registry (CBR) is the first to set up an FDA-regulated trial to test this hypothesis. Researchers are using saved blood cells from the child’s umbilical cord. Based on the results of this experiment, we may even be on the road to curing other chronic illnesses such as cerebral palsy.

Saving cord blood stem cells at birth is critical, but the information is so new that many couples do not think about this when having children. We do not have the ability to guarantee healthy babies, and we certainly do not know what the future holds. Something so simple as saving the umbilical cord blood could save your child’s life. Please read more about this trial by visiting the links below: