A look back at GC Ashley’s FET last week! Please keep the positive vibes coming as she and her IPs wait through the two week wait for pregnancy confirmation!! Continue reading →
She’s here! Another beautiful baby girl was born into the waiting arms of her parents on November 16, 2023. GC Jessica was amazing, which was no surprise to us. We could not be more thrilled for her Intended Parents and... Continue reading →
Bubbly, bright, and fun are just a few words we would use to describe GC Britney! Her whole journey was an adventure for the BFI Team, especially Executive Case Manager, Shannon. Britney’s openness allowed Shannon the opportunity to hold her... Continue reading →
She did it!! GC Kim is officially a Successful Surrogate!! Shannon feels so grateful to have been there during every step of Kim’s journey and to have built this bond! Continue reading →
She’s here! On October 10, 2023 GC Kim delivered a sweet baby girl for her Intended Parents. Calm, but excited, was the feeling in the hospital that day. Executive Case Manager, Shannon, and Kim’s husband Ben were beside her as... Continue reading →
BFI is a surrogate owned and operated Surrogacy Program that has had the honor of helping build families for more than 30 years!! We are located in Southern California, but work with Intended Parents Worldwide and gestational carriers Nationwide. If... Continue reading →
Randi and Shannon had an amazing time with some past and presents members of the #BFIBumpClub! They love when they get to spend time with our surrogates! Continue reading →
If you’ve been following along on our social media accounts, this beauty is no stranger! Manika is a Registered Dental Assistant who is studying to become a nurse. She loves to be active and even played in an adult soccer... Continue reading →
Randi & Shannon were so thrilled to join GC Britney at her 4D Ultrasound last week! Heavenly 3D 4D Baby Ultrasounds in Apple Valley, CA made it such a wonderful experience! Continue reading →