Together at Last!

Shannon could not have been more thrilled to attend her first appointment since March! Although she couldn’t see Monique’s beautiful smile, being there with her IN PERSON was amazing. Monique is 35 weeks and ready to make her second IP’s dreams come true!

Pregnant During COVID-19; Annette’s Story Part 1

Annette was kind enough to let us interview her about what it was like to be pregnant and deliver during the height of COVID-19 and if that was not enough, to manage a pregnancy complication named Vasa Previa.  


Here is the first article that will give you an idea of what makes Annette the special gal she truly is:


In the past few years, I saw my best friend and her husband struggle to conceive.  I approached them and offered my help.  Then a miracle happened, 6 siblings needed a home so they went from a family of 2 to 8 overnight!  Their family was complete.  But for me, the feeling of helping someone was still in my heart.  Then I met Yolanda, a coworker, and she had just started her first surrogacy journey.  I was intrigued and quickly became excited as I knew this was the way I could help a family grow.  Next stop, I’m cleared to be a Surrogate Mom!! Randi told me about a single dad who wanted to give his daughter a sibling.  I’m a single mom so I understood his reason perfectly. 


Meeting the Intended Father was nice.  He had such a welcoming and appreciative presence.  I immediately felt comfortable with him as he talked about his daughter and life in Spain.  He also shared with me that he already had 2 failed attempts with another Surrogate Mom and this would be his last embryo.  I have to admit, I was so nervous.  I didn’t want him to experience that again.  When I arrived to the clinic for the embryo transfer, I was a nervous wreck.  So many thoughts were going through my mind!  But then I saw Shannon and she eased my mind right away.  She explained the process in such detail that my fears went away.  Of course, the 2-week wait felt like 2 months, but it didn’t matter.  The test was positive!!!


I decided right then that I would only have a positive mindset.  No more worries, I could handle any obstacle that came my way.  The first heartbeat ultrasound was incredible. It is hard to believe what you can see and hear so early in the pregnancy.  I made sure that the Intended Father could see his son at every ultrasound and watch him grow.  Sharing those moments with him over Skype was priceless.

Lucky Penny!

It’s National Lucky Penny Day! It’s a long-standing tradition with the surrogates of BFI to bury a penny on the morning of their transfers. We can’t say it works, but we also can’t say it doesn’t work! 😉


Happy 21st Birthday!!

Where does the time go?! From their first birthdays 20 years ago to their twenty-first birthdays now; we are so humbled to watch every story unfold!

#welivefortheseupdates #neverstopsendingpictures #twins #happybirthday #wedidthat #buidlingfamiliesinc

Coast to Coast Connection

At 36 weeks, Danielle’s OB, Dr. Thuan Le, let us know the baby would be coming early and to prepare for a c-section the following week! The IPs jumped in an RV and traveled from the East Coast all the way to California to welcome their baby girl.

On April 23, 2020, Danielle delivered an 8lb 3oz baby girl. Thankfully, she delivered when she did!!  We could not imagine how big the baby would have been if we waited for 3 more weeks!!!! 

Behind the masks are the biggest smiles!

Danielle said her heart was so full knowing that she played a part in completing their family. “I did that” she said! 

Dr. Rad & Dr. Natasha’s News & Views: COVID-19, Challenge versus Threat

Today we are all dealing with stressors in this era of COVID-19, a contagious virus. You are not alone, we are all in this together! Psychologists know that the most stressful thing for human beings is unpredictability in any situation. COVID-19 is unpredictable & does not discriminate. Indeed, the biggest weapon we have, is behavioral. These behaviors include: Stay at home, social distance, quarantine with your family, wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds each time, & disinfect surfaces in your home

Humans can cope with various types of stressors for a short time, however, prolonged and unforeseen circumstances can lead to anxiety, feelings of helplessness and depression. I’d like to frame COVID-19, a life stressor, as a Challenge and Opportunity versus a Threat. Remember our thoughts/cognitions are under our control. I prefer that frame of mind because it gives us a path to cope each day versus turning to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. We can think of COVID-19 as a challenge to do all that we’re asked in order to mitigate, decrease the incidents of the virus and stay safe and healthy! 

Currently, we may be overwhelmed with information regarding how to fend off getting the virus. We are constantly inundated with instructions on how and when to wash your hands. I have never washed my hands on any one day as much as I have in the past several weeks. I feel like a surgeon! Aside from all the cleaning and disinfecting, social distancing is a crucial part and is becoming the cornerstone of stopping this virus. We may be alone but we are united at this critical time working together to stay healthy. Some of us may be confined at home with our families which can lead to what we call cabin fever. I know it has for me! In the past, I hated going shopping but now that I can’t, I find myself craving those experiences! That’s what happens when something is “forbidden.” The forbidden fruit really becomes desirable! I have to give my list to my daughter to do the shopping. I am envious now, while in the past I was happy to hand anyone my list with such ease! Life is truly like a box of chocolates, we have to be flexible and yield to the unknown! 

Structure and routine are necessary for all of us to experience some control and usefulness. Setting up routines & schedules for yourself and your family is important. Here are some suggestions to help you cope, stay calm and carry on. 


Daily Tool Box Tips! 


  1. Before you get out of bed: Start with stretching while focusing on deep breathing and with each breath repeating over and over in your head silently, “I feel safe and secure.”
  2. Coffee or breakfast time: I like to call this, “It’s not me first, it’s me too.” It’s valuable to take care of yourself at this time when we’re with our family 24/7. Find your space and time
  3. Quality time with your family: Game night, movie night, a walk together while social distancing, is truly an opportunity for all of us to enjoy our families! Plan a daily family activity! 
  4. Family Chores: Everyone shares in this by making their beds, meal planning, cooking, & cleaning up. It’s a good time to teach kids the importance of hygiene! 
  5. Give yourself permission to rest/relax: Do a relaxation exercise once a day, for example: Sit comfortably and visualize an image of a beautiful garden or beach scene! Start with a deep breathing exercise by inhaling while counting from 1 to 4, then slowly exhaling while counting from 1 to 7. This kind of breathing releases muscle tension. 
  6. Reach out & connect with someone: Call someone you usually don’t have time for or have not seen in a while. It’s fulfilling! 
  7. Continue to enhance your specific community: Exchanging communication on a daily basis is beneficial.
  8. Be mindful of your feelings: Do not engage in watching TV all day (limit TV news time) and stop monitoring the numbers of COVID- 19, because that leads to a downward spiral. We will overcome this Pandemic. It is time-limited! 
  9. “This too shall pass:” Use this mantra when you feel emotionally overwhelmed. 
  10. Attend to your spiritual needs: Daily meditation and prayer are healthy. Try saying this, “Today, I’m giving all my problems to my higher power, so that I can be present & enjoy this day. I am releasing my worries.” 
  11. Gratitudes help us cope better: Try writing, texting or sharing something you are grateful for with someone, morning and evening. I (Dr. Rad) text my pregnant daughter with gratitude every day, “today I am grateful for my health!” Engage or commit to a 30-day gratitude exchange with someone via text, it’s truly anchoring! 
  12. Laughter is the BEST MEDICINE: Laugh each day, even smiling triggers physical well-being and positive neurotransmitters from our brain. 


Sending you positive vibes and virtual hugs! We will step up to this Challenge with love, grace, and success in staying healthy! 

Stay safe, until we meet again! Dr. Rad & Dr. Natasha 


Maritza’s Birth Story

Maritza bonded with the Intended Mom at the first meeting.  It was easy to see that they were a perfect match and it was a beautiful thing to witness as their bond deepened throughout the pregnancy.  A C-Section was planned for April 16, 2020, and typically the Surrogate Mom has her hubby with her, but Maritza wanted the mom-to-be at her side.   This didn’t come as a surprise because these two gals did everything together this past year!!  So, the new mommy got to hold her son who weighed a perfect 6lb 7oz.  

A goal that many of these special women have is for Dr. Rad to say to them, “You are a successful Surrogate.”  It is a defining moment.  But this time, someone beat her to it.  No, it was not one of us.  It was Maritza, herself!  The first words out of her mouth when she called us after the delivery was, “I did it, I am a successful Surrogate!”  Yes, you did Maritza!!!!


Congratulations New York!

Proof that there are still great things happening in the world! Congratulations New York!