Where Are Our Intended Parents From?

We have Intended Parents from all over the world. A majority of our International IP’s reside in the European Countries with the largest percentage coming from Spain. But still, more than 50% of our couples are located locally within the United States! Many actually reside here in Southern California. Regardless of geographic location, we make every effort to involve our Intended Parents in every baby step of their journey! All IP’s have the option of attending appointments with their surrogate mother, either remotely thanks technology or physically if available in Southern California. Curious to know what your journey would look like? Reach out today so that we can start building your family!


Laura’s Birth Story

It is amazingly special when the baby is awaited by an older sibling.  It means Laura was not only sharing the pregnancy with the parents but with the big sister, too!  This little guy’s sister was present for as much as possible and held her baby brother within hours of his arrival into this world.  Even though the newness will wear off soon, we expect these two kids will be close for their many years to come.



Melissa Is Looking Great!

Happy “Bump” Day from this beautiful bump, and the two tiny beings inside!! Surrogate Mom, Melissa, is now 26 weeks along with identical twins. She is feeling great and managing this pregnancy flawlessly thus far. Yes, you read that correctly, identical twins! Although we do all we can to ensure a singleton pregnancy by transferring only one embryo, mother nature may have other plans. Melissa is already beating the odds of the complications that can be associated with a twin pregnancy, so join us in sending her positive vibes for continued smooth sailing!!!


Three Beautiful Birth Stories for March!

Birth stories 1, 2, & 3! We had 3 deliveries last month and these girls shared their amazing birth stories during March’s group meeting. Each one unique, and each one beautiful! There was not a dry eye in the room. We love you girls and are so grateful to have shared this journey with you!


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

We are lucky to have such a great group of Surrogate Mothers in our program. Each month, Dr. Rad gathers everyone together to share details about their journey. The support is beautiful and a key reason for the success of each journey. We can’t wait to see everyone again next month!


Mandy and her IPs just found out…it’s a boy!!

Mandy has been enjoying her surrogacy and everything that comes with it, including this adorable gender reveal! At the recent anatomy scan appointment, she and her Intended Parents found out they were having a boy! Of course, Mandy had both colors of paint just in case! Moments like this are truly beautiful, especially in Surrogacy. Congratulations!!


From FaceTime to Real time!

Surrogate Mom, Angela, would video connect with her Intended Parents during appointments so they could see their baby moving around and listen to the heartbeat. That little flutter on the ultrasound screen is now a soft squirming bundle of joy in her arms. Watching the dream of parenthood become a reality, right in front of your eyes, is beyond breathtaking!


Amanda Has Delivered a Little Girl!!

What a way to start the week but with a baby entering this world and making a family whole! Although we’ve said it before, it is truly a miracle to see the moment “Intended” Parents become New Parents. What’s even better?? Seeing Parents become Grandparents! What an amazing delivery we were a part of today, watching generations grow right in front of us. May the rest of the week be just as beautiful!


Amanda’s Birth Story

Amanda was so perfectly matched with her Couple and the distance of half the world away didn’t affect the true bond they created, shared and we are sure will maintain.  The beauty of this journey was not only to witness the effect a new little one can have on her parents’ face but also the love that was so visible on her grandparents’ loving eyes every time they not only saw her but just spoke about her!  From the beginning, Daddy was sure he would have a girl and her name would be a Disney Princess. And he was right!! The was absolutely a Disney themed labor of love that came to fruition on February 25, 2019, in the morning hours. The sweet princess weighed a perfectly petite 7lb 14oz!!