Valentine’s Day Babies!

One week ago we had two deliveries…just hours apart! That’s right, Angela and Tonya delivered beautiful, healthy baby girls on Valentine’s day. Angela delivered in Apple Valley and Tonya delivered in Upland, amidst a crazy rainstorm to boot! We are so thankful to our staff for dividing and conquering in order to be present for these girls.

One week later, everyone is recovering well and the new parents are settling into their new roles. Such an honor to be a part of something so magnificent! Congratulations to both of you, and to the New Parents.


Angela’s Birth Story

Angela proved a lot of things. That language is not a barrier unless you allow it to be. Distance is not an issue, video calls can be done for everything! It is easy to make friends with your surrogate mommy peers. And that you can plan a cross-country move in the last month of pregnancy and make the move only weeks after having a C-Section! Crazy but true!

Angela’s surrogate pregnancy journey ended on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2019, when a sweet baby was born giving Angela’s Couple the answer to their many prayers over the years.


Every group meeting is an enjoyable one; full of love and laughter!

This month’s Group fell on Valentine’s week! There is always love in the air but it felt extra special this time. Maybe it was the pink sweaters, red scarves, or the chocolate hearts we devoured! Getting together with our Surrogates each month is so special to us especially when we are able to witness the tremendous and unique bonds they have built for one another. As we approach the birth of 3 babies in the next 10 days, so many well wishes and prayers were given for safe deliveries and healthy babies. Stay tuned for some amazing stories in the coming weeks!


Tonya’s Birth Story

As far as goals go, Tonya set one that would literally affect the world.  It is amazing what the power of love can encourage a person to do. February 14, 2019, will forever be a memorable day not only for St. Valentine’s Day, but the day that Tonya changed the world by giving life to a beautiful and perfect little girl weighing 7lb 2oz.  Congratulations Tonya!!!!


What to pack for the hospital bag…as a Surrogate!



Ear plugs – sounds funny but we all know sleep is crucial to your recovery and that’s hard to do with the beeping machines and neighboring cries. Pack them now and thank me later!

You will have time to shower. Unlike when you delivered your own baby and every second was spent coddling, nursing, or just staring at your magical being; this time you’ll have time for YOU as the parents tend to their newborn. Bring any shower essentials, and heck bring your makeup bag while you’re at it, I can promise you there will be plenty of pictures!

Phone charger, chapstick, warm socks, and stretchy pants, are on our top 10.

Typically the Cord Blood Kit is delivered to you, make sure this is with you and your “go” bag at all times. I always recommend a snack or two since you never know the quality of the food or if you’ll miss it while you’re sleeping soundly!

Don’t overpack! The average Surrogate is released in under 24hrs, provided delivery was smooth, so there is no reason for extra clothes. In fact, you can likely go home in what you wore in. Leggings in, leggings out! A loose T-shirt or sweater will be best. I’m sure you remember, but no need to pack fresh undies…they’ll give you the most glamorous gauzy pair!

What’s in my bag:
Ear plugs or Ear Buds
Phone Charger
Granola Bars
Leggings and Loose Tee
Fuzzy Socks
Hair ties
Toiletries and basic makeup essentials
Massage tool for during labor
Facial Wipes
Cord Blood Kit

Acupuncture for Surrogate Mom Maritza!

Surrogate Mom, Maritza is preparing for her transfer with acupuncture! According to Fertility IQ – The goal of acupuncture is to improve “vital flow” or Qi (pronounced “chee”) throughout a patient’s body to improve the body’s ability to heal itself and return to a state of balance. Join us in sending positive vibes for a positive Qi!

One Month Away from Delivery!!

Surrogate Mom, Amanda, is 1 month away from delivery! She will be having a scheduled C-Section next month. She is looking fabulous, feeling fabulous and, well, IS fabulous! She also makes delicious cookies which we are ever so grateful for. We can’t wait to see you through this journey Amanda!