Yolanda was able to connect with her International Intended Parents over video for the 1st prenatal ultrasound! The sound they all heard was long overdue and joy filled the air. Baby’s heartbeat was strong, steady, and breathtakingly beautiful.
Yolanda was able to connect with her International Intended Parents over video for the 1st prenatal ultrasound! The sound they all heard was long overdue and joy filled the air. Baby’s heartbeat was strong, steady, and breathtakingly beautiful.
Mandy, Yolanda, and Jeri, all had confirmed pregnancies in November. Although their due dates will likely be similar, their experiences will not be due to the location of each of their Couples. One is from Europe, one is “only” 400 miles away and the other is local to Southern California. We are so excited to share in their journies and see firsthand how each of the Couple’s lives will be changed forever!!
Retreats and special events are a part of our program because we feel it is essential to every surrogacy journey. Our Surrogate Moms look forward to these events to not only have fun but to catch up with each other. It is also an opportunity for their kids to hang out with each other! Our recent event was a Mommy and Me cookie decorating class. This event was hosted by Sweet Cousin’s Cookie Co. They provided the baked cookies and guided the decorating. Add in hot cocoa and Christmas music and you can bet it was a wonderful time!
Did you know at 26 weeks gestation, baby’s taste buds are fully developed! Nostrils are beginning to open, eyelashes are developed and eyes will soon start to open! Baby measures about 14 inches in length and 1.7 pounds.
The recent Men Having Babies Conference and Expo in New York was well worth the flight time!! It is amazing to see the work they are doing and we are proud to be partnering with them. The knowledge and support they provide is immeasurable. We look forward to the San Francisco Conference and Expo on January 12th, 2019. If you are interested in attending, check out the event information here. You can also schedule a private consultation with us while we are there.
The holiday season is upon us. Here at Building Families, we are very family oriented. One way we show this is by giving the Surrogate Moms more time to spend with their families and less time with us in the month of December. Of course, we are only a phone call away for them but we try not to bother anyone during this crazy but fun time of the year!!
We met Melissa in the Spring of 2016. She delivered a beautiful baby girl for her Couple on November 22, 2018. She has won the award for perseverance!!! There were so many hurdles in the way, but Melissa overcame each one and was never dissuaded from her goal. If anything, she became more determined! Thank you, Melissa, for hanging in there. Your determination paid off and you have changed your Couple’s lives forever!
Surrogate Mom, Mandy, was the one who called and shared the great news with her couple. They’ve all been waiting so long to hear those words and you can imagine the emotions through the phone. She also took this creative photo to share her pregnancy test results. Her beta hCG was over 200, it more than doubled just two days later!! Her first ultrasound will be in two weeks!
You are reading this correctly; we have another transfer! Please keep the positive, good luck vibes going to Yolanda and her couple. We are keeping the clinics busy and hopefully, in 9 months, the labor and delivery nurses will be just as busy!
Progesterone fun fact – It stimulates the brain’s GABA receptors, those feel-good, calming neurotransmitters. Ladies, try to keep this in mind with each injection!