Yolanda is Medically Cleared for Her Couple!

Yolanda had her Medical Clearance appointment at HRC. Their staff is always friendly and informative! We truly appreciate this and know it helps our girls as well. At the end of the appointment, the nurse asked Yolanda if she had any questions or comments. She had no questions, but did say, “Ok, let’s make a baby!” We couldn’t agree more; Let’s do this!


Heartbeat Myth Fun Fact

Can you determine baby’s sex by the speed of their fetal heart rate? The myth says is that if the baby’s heart rate is under 140 beats per minute it is a boy, and that if it is over 140 beats per minutes, it is a girl. Watch the video on our Facebook Page and make your guess!


Delivery is Near for Jamie!

Jamie is enjoying her surrogacy journey and only has a few weeks left. She is feeling fabulous as she approaches 35 weeks! Her International Intended Parents will be coming soon in preperation of their baby’s arrival. What a joyous journey this has been!


More Belly, More Pictures!

As the belly grows, so does the sonogram printout! It is amazing how so much development occurs in just 2 months. Baby is now over 16″ in length and weighs around 3.7pounds! Fingernails and toenails are fully formed and some babies at this stage have a full head of hair. We will found in in less than 8 weeks!!


Surrogate Mothers Due Soon!!

We are seeing these Surrogate Moms more frequently as we inch closer and closer to their due dates! Both Jamie, and Meghan are progressing smoothly. Both due in August, they have been able to share their experiences with each other along the way. It is truly amazing the bonds we create through surrogacy. Be sure to follow us on Facebook (link) as their due dates approach!


Surrogate Mother Monthly Group!

We love any chance to see our group of Surrogate Moms and thankfully we get to see them at least once a month at our support group! Lots of hugs, laughs, and sometimes tears. Our support group is simply that…support, and it is proven between these girls. It is an intricate part in the surrogacy process but should be natural and never forced. We are fortunate to have an astounding Psychologist and a Director wise beyond her years to help guide these gatherings. However, it is the amazing Surrogate Moms that lead it. Until next month!


Laura – Embryo Transfer Number 2!

Surrogate Mom, Laura, went to San Francisco’s Pacific Fertility Clinic (link) for embryo transfer #2! The cooler weather and great views provided a serene environment for both Laura and the embryo. Keep your eye out on our Facebook and Instagram pages to learn the results. For now, join us in sending her positive vibes!!


Angela is Pregnant!!

Surrogate Mom, Angela, just found out she is pregnant!! Her couple is ecstatic. Just another reason to celebrate this year’s 4th of July holiday. Her international Intended Parents will have an American baby this time next year!