National Infertility Awareness Week – Take The Pledge

#FliptheScript during National Infertility Awareness Week®. Join us and in helping break down the barriers and stigmas attached to infertility. Use this pledge as an inspiration on ways you can get involved during NIAW. Help us change the conversation about infertility. Click here to take the pledge


What Not to Say – Couples with Infertility

In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week, we found a great article on What NOT To Say To A Couple Struggling with Infertility. Click to read the full article, Sadly, many will relate to this article and we hope that many will take something away from it.


National Infertility Awareness Week

It’s National Infertility Awareness Week…follow along as we unite with those trying to remove the stigmas and barriers that stand in the way of building families. We hope that together, we can change how others view infertility. Anyone can be faced with difficulties in trying to build their family. No matter what race, religion, sexuality or economic status you are, infertility doesn’t discriminate.


Vitamin D and Fertility

Are you Vitamin D deficient? Most women are! And did you know women who had a sufficient level of vitamin D are 30% more likely to have a succesful IVF cycle! Learn more here! Go soak up some of that sunshine today!


Melissa is Pregnant!

Melissa and her intended parents were overjoyed with the flicker of a heartbeat at their 6 week ultrasound! Truly a magical sight. We are so thrilled for all of them and are anxious to see this pregnancy progress.


Beautifully Growing Baby!

Surrogate Mom, Meghan, is now more than halfway through her pregnancy. Her couple was able to attend the anatomy scan and learn how wonderfully she is growing their baby! Baby even gave us an amazing view to capture. We think this one needs to be framed!


Transfer Day for Laura

Laura visited the beautiful Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco for her transfer. She even wore the lucky transfer shirt that has been passed from surrogate to surrogate over the last year…all resulting in positive transfers! Join us in sending her super sticky vibes! Stay tuned 2 weeks from now to learn the results and confirm the shirt’s luck!


Nancy Brought Treat Bags to Group!

What a beautiful bunch of girls!! We are very blessed to be surrounded by such beauty, inside and out, each month! This month, Nancy shared her birth story and brought goody bags for her fellow Surrogate Sisters! She is sweeter than the cake we had! The bond these girls create is remarkable and apparent in their affection and support for each other.


Christine is feeling great at 35 weeks!

Surrogate Mom, Christine, is now 35 weeks! It’s flying by and even she can’t believe that delivery is just around the corner! It is amazing how fast the journey can go, especially when you are feeling great! Christine has had an amazing pregnancy and felt good throughout! She is so anxious for her couple to meet their new addition, in just a few short weeks!