Bio of the Month April 2023

This strong, kind, faithful lady is GC Sara! A busy mom of 4 boys, Nathan, Hunter, Tucker, and Easton, she prides herself on living an active and healthy lifestyle. She is married to her best friend, Greg, and they are living their best farm life in Southern California.

Sara feels so blessed to enjoy motherhood and watch her babies grow, her heart is her driving force in her surrogacy journey. She is the type of person who sees surrogacy as an opportunity to add value to the lives of others, and for Sara, that’s the best reason!

We are grateful that Sara’s dreams led her to Building Families and we all love being a part of her journey! Follow us on social media to see her journey unfold!

What is the purpose of the home visit?

This is not an inspection, no need to be nervous! You can get to know someone more quickly if you spend time with them in their home. Sitting in your living room, gives BFI the opportunity to explain the process and answer any questions that you or any of your support system have. In addition, when we present you to potential IPs we feel it is important to tell them we know you. We’ve met you and everyone who lives in your household. We know that their baby is growing in a safe home and we have seen it for ourselves.