Yes! Just like your psychological evaluation prepares us to support your journey, it serves the same purpose for your IPs. Being able to truly understand you both helps us to provide you with the tools for a successful surrogacy journey.
How often will I meet with a program psychologist?
After you have been cleared, you will not meet with the program psychologist again until you are officially in contract with your Intended Parents. At this point, you will begin monthly meetings. Alternating months you will meet in a group setting with other gestational carriers in the program and the psychologist. In the opposite months you will meet with the psychologist alone. This allows you both the benefit of community with your fellow surrogates and the privacy to communicate with the psychologist one on one. During these meetings you will discuss any and all aspects of your journey.
What if I want to talk to the psychologist outside of support meetings?
If you need support outside of the designated time, you may contact the psychologist to set up an appointment. They are here to support you during your journey.
Why can’t I use my Intended Parents lawyer?
This is as simple as ensuring that all parties feel heard and that individual needs are being met. Each party deserves to know that their legal representation has their best interests at heart.
Will I be on medications for the entire pregnancy?
Not typically. Obviously, we can’t guarantee that a situation will not arise where you may need some sort of medication during your pregnancy, but the medications required to achieve pregnancy will generally discontinue around 8-12 weeks.
Can I choose my own OBGYN?
That is our hope! However, your health insurance plan will determine what OB and hospital we use. Keep in mind that your care will be managed by the Reproductive Endocrinologist’s team until at least 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Can I meet current GCs with the program before starting my journey?
Absolutely! BFI hosts regular events both in person and virtually. If you’ve submitted an inquiry, we will reach out with an invite. Our weekly zoom event is where potential GCs and current/past GCs meet to catch up and answer questions. Feel free to join us Tuesday nights at 7pm PST.
Why Should the Surrogate and Intended Parents have Separate Legal Representation?
This is as simple as ensuring that all parties feel heard and that individual needs are being met. Each party deserves to know that their legal representation has their best interests at heart.
Does BFI assign the legal representation for the IPs and GC?
No, BFI does not assign legal represention. We gladly provide you with a list of attorneys that we have had excellent experience with, but the final choice is yours.
What clinics/doctors do you work with?
We will glady work with your preferred fertility clinic. We have established relationships with many in the course of our more than three decades in business. If you’d like to know if we have worked with your clinic, please send us an email at [email protected].