Crystal’s Surrogacy Story

In bustling birthing rooms all over the world, a tiny cry is a powerful sound to be heard. No matter how many times you hear one, it always feels like the first time. On February 5, 2024, for GC Crystal, the sound brought feelings of relief and the satisfaction of a completed surrogacy journey. Seeing her Intended Mother with the baby that she helped bring into the world was the most beautiful moment!
In the days leading up to her scheduled cesarean, Crystal felt excited, anxious, and nervous. She was originally told that only her husband would be allowed to enter the operating room with her during delivery. Thanks to her amazing doctor, the Intended Mother was able to hear that first cry and receive her baby for immediate skin-to-skin. Crystal was also thankful that the new parents were able to have their own room at the hospital to bond with their baby.
Crystal’s husband was her biggest supporter and we are so grateful to have them both as members of our BFI family!!

Testimonio de Alma como Madre Subrogada

Hay un dicho que afirma que se necesita un pueblo para criar a un niño, pero a veces hace falta un pueblo para que el bebé ¡¡sea una realidad!!. La gestante subrogada Alma compartió esta asombrosa cita junto con su alegría por haberse convertido finalmente en una gestante subrogada de éxito. Puede que el camino de Alma hacia la gestación subrogada haya sido más largo de lo esperado, ¡pero nunca dudó de que estaba hecha para ello!
El 6 de diciembre de 2023, dio a luz a una preciosa niña que pesó 3,200 kg. Dice que su marido fue su mayor apoyo durante todo el proceso, ¡y podemos confirmarlo! Estamos increíblemente orgullosos de que Alma forme parte de la familia BFI y estamos ansiosos por ver lo que nos depara el futuro.